Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What digital language are you speaking?

In the reading Villanueva uses the term dialect with respect to the different variations of spanish spoken. The different dialects spoken separated people that were often grouped together as hispanic when in fact, the differences in dialect were so important that they often struggled either to understand each other or identify themselves as part of the same racial group. (Villeneuve, 40-41)

The term dialect, according to wikipedia, is "a variety of a language that is characteristic of a particular group...distinguished by it's vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation." While this term is meant to apply only to language, it can be applied to all forms of rhetoric in general. In the context of rhetoric, a dialect becomes the different uses, associations, meanings and connotations of various symbols (including language) characteristic of a particular group. Looking at the different dialects used in media can help us understand more about the authors intent and/or meaning.


Villanueva, Victor. "Spic in English!" Bootstraps: from an American Academic of Color. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 1993. 34-50. Print.
"Dialect." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 03 Nov. 2010. <>

Quiz Questions

In the article Digital Arabs: Representation in Video Games, digital dignity is when
a) a player feels capable of achieving a challenging or difficult goal
b) the ideologies of the hero match the ideologies of the intended audience
c) video game representations of other cultures breakdown negative stereotypes
d) a player feels a sense of pride in his culture when playing the game

Digital Arabs: Representation in Video Games shows how games created from the Islamic point of view help players to view the world in a more culturally neutral tone.